Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2015

The Oldest Extant Parliament in the World in Iceland and its astrogeographical positions

The Oldest Extant Parliament in the World in Iceland and its astrogeographical positions

Þingvellir (Thingvellir) was the traditional site of the icelandic parliament called Althing which was first founded on 23 June 930 and is considered to represent the oldest permanently functioning parliament on our planet.
Astrological Sunrise Chart for the day of the first Icelandic 
calculated for 23 June 932
The first settlements in iceland were started in 870 by invaders from Norway. About 60 years later the first Althing was held. The astrological chart for the day of the first Althing has the Moon in rudimentary fire sign Aries the sign of warfare, action and nre starts and Saturn and the North Node in Capricorn the sign of governments, rocks, laws, stabilization and public institutions. The Sun and 2 more planets in Cancer the sign of islands stand for the foundation of emotional independence here. Uranus in Taurus stands for the stage of the creation of a new settlement, country and society. The Mercury - Pluto conjunction in Gemini is an early but clearest reference to lobbyism, vote huntin and methods of propaganda, corruption and manipulation - which must have already existed in this early parliamant.
Basically alle these 5 signs make out the astrogeographical positions of the old Thingvellir as well as the new Althing parliament in  Reykjavik.

The ancient site where the Thing (parliament) was held is located right on the tectonic fault cleft between the eurasian & american plates and as such on a site of extreme contradictions, confrontations, and energetical intensity. This contradictive or confrontative aspect is astrogeographically reflected by the fact that the site is located in two astrological signs.that are in opposition to each other.
The choice of a site for the gathering of the local clan chiefs and representative sexactly on the tectonic fault is highly symbolic and could be considered both as highly problematic but also as a really wise decision. The decision for such a place cannot have benn made without consultation of the native shamans and priests. Auspiscious it must have been because it turned out as highly successful - because otherwise the icelandic parliament born here could not have existed over such long periods of time. And it has to be considered here that the icelandic island arose from the bottom of the ocean just because of the position right on the divide between the tectonic plates. 
For this reason the choice of a site located right on the tectonic divide as favoured by the icelandic shamans and rulers apparently was really swise.
Thingvellir area located in the combination of Taurus with Scorpio
photo: Ivan Sabljak, ccbysa3.0
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the site is embedded in the land: located in 2 opposition signs: in highly profitable, solid, fixed earth sign Taurus the sign of the earth, grounding, growing roots, agriculture, food, market places, possession of land, local energetical centers and stability,
The 2nd coordinate lies in highly alert, defensive, hierarchical, dogmatic, solid, fixed water sign Scorpio sign of role models, imaging, ideology and self-defense. as the sign of the firte of water Scorpio together with fire signs Sagittarius and Leo is one of the most important astrological indicators for volcanic avtivity. As the sign of the underworld Scorpio particularly refers to the solidity of magma chambers.
19th century depiction of the lögberg (law rock) in ThingvellirWilliam Gershom Collingwood

The Lögberg or law rock in Thingvellir was the site where discussion about laws and important decision is supposed to have been taken place
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the site itself: the law rock is located in the combination of fire sign Aries with earth sign Capricorn the sign of warfare and the warrior caste in general. This constellation is highly typical for sites of the gathering of the chieftains and local kings in tribal cultures. 
Highly alert, dynamic, erect, male fire sign Aries sign of action, decisions, fighting, warfare, speed comes together here with solid conservative, traditionalistic, hierarchical earth sign Capricorn sign of government institutuions, control, laws, duty and administration.

For comparison:
Today`s seat of the icelandic parliament Althing is the Parliament House Alþingishúsið in Reykjavík which for morphogenetic field level 3 is located in two opposite signs just like ut was the case at the site of the ancient Althing at Þingvellir.

Todays Parliament House Alþingishúsið in Reykjavík
The house has both coordinates in water sign Cancer
Jóhann Heiðar Árnason, ccbysa3.0

Astrogeographic position of field level 3 which describes how the construction site and the part of town around it are embedded in Iceland`s capital city: located in 2 opposition signs - practical air sign Gemini sign of communication, information, contacts, bridges, interfaces, sign posts, duplicity, technology and bringing opposites together.
The 2nd coordinate lies in liberal fire sign Sagittarius sign of thinking, watching, aiming, searching, luxury, style, design, fashion, ornamentation, corruption and a major indicator for magma and the cleansing fires.
Astrogeographic popsition for field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the parliament house building itself. both astrogeographical coordinates are located in self-protective emotional water sign Cancer sign of feeling at home, connecting with one`s ancestor line, motherhood, fertility, islands, coastlines,

Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2015

The Birth Chart of Surtsey Island & astrogeographical positions

The Birth Chart of Surtsey island & astrogeographical positions, chart data and evaluations

The precision and intensity of the aspects of tension of transiting planets to the astrogeographical positions of Surtsey Island in the moment of its birth was extreme.

Surtsey's ash column rises over the newly forming island
Surtsey 16 days after the beginning of the eruption.
Image: Howell Williams. Image source: 
Surtsey Island (Surtr's island) is a 1400 m diameter vulcanic island that was born during the 1960ies as the southernmost point of Iceland. With the seafloor near the island at 130 m. below sea-level the eruption is believed to have been going on only a couple of days before it first reached sea level on 14 Nov 1963, 6:55. The eruption that created the island lasted until 5 June 1967. 

Astrological birth chart for Surtsey Island calculated for the Surtsey Eruption on14 November 1963,, 6:55
with transits for the day of the end of the eruptions on 5 June 1967 calculated for 0:00 on the outside.
Astrogeographic position for field level 1 which describes the supraregional and long-term significance of the birth of the new island: Surtsey Island lies at 10° of water sign Pisces the sign of the ocean and 15° of highly magnetic fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun and a major indicator for volcanic activity.  
The volcanic eruption that gave birth to Surtsey Island thus occurred with a conjunction of the ruling planets to the astrogeographical coordinates of the region. And in addition to that Neptun the ruler of Pisces at 15° Scorpio and the Sun the ruler of Leo at 21° Scorpio were both in a square position to the astrogeographical position of the island at 15°Leo.

The birth of Surtsey was clearly related to the process of the Saturn - Neptune square between April 1962 and January 1964. Thus the Sun-Neptune conjunction of mid - November 1964 occurred in a square position not only to the place where Surtsey was born but also to Saturn the planet of stabilization while it was in exact opposition at 16° Aquarius to the astrogeographical coordinate of Surtsey at 15°Leo. The destabilizing impact of Saturn - Neptune squares and oppositions is well known.

Apparently in the very moment of the rising of the island from the sea the constellation in Scopio was triggered by the Moon`s ingress into Scorpio. The Moon just rising above the eastern horizon while entering into one of the two astrogeographical signs that define the resonance of the local morphogenetic field is an amazingly clear astrological reflection of what happened.

Surtsey´s astrogeographical position at 10° Pisces transited by Chiron was under intensest pressure through Uranus` exact opposition transit over 9°35`Virgo and conjunct Pluto at 14°Virgo. And finally at the same moment Venus at 10°Sagittarius conjunct Mars at 14°Sagittarius formed a superexact and supertight square to not only the Uranus-Pluto conjunction but the astrogeographical coordinate at 10° Pisces as well.

Which astrological factor put and end to the eruption at Surtsey in June 1967?
The end of the eruption came 2 weeks after Jupiter`s 2nd ingress into Leo on 23 May 1967 and conjunct Venus which as the ruler of Taurus is a plausible indicator for stabilization below the ground. But of course as Venus and Jupiter are relatively fast moving planets their transits would rather be seen as the moment of the final closing of the surface wound than as indicators for the processes deeper in the ground.
Saturn`s movement opver 10° Aries towards the trine position to the astrogeographical coordinate at 15° Leo could be examined as a potential factor here.
In regard to the other long-term astrological transiting factors Neptun, Uranus, Chiron and Pluto it can be stated that their tight aspects to the astrogeographical position of Surtsey was slowly but steadily decreasing.

Astrogeographic position for field level 3 which describes the atmosphere of the island itself: Capricorn and Aquarius the 2 signs that describe the area of the island are the signs and most important astrological resonators of high altitude. One of the two astrogeographical positions stretches from solid, conservative earth sign Capricorn the actual sign of mountains and rocks into creative, innovative air sign Aquarius the sign of the sky, heaven, flying and the most important astrological factor for eruptions, explosions, revolution, reaching for the sky and the strife for ones maximum potential.
The 2nd coordinate too lies in earth sign Capricorn providing a straight astrological explanation of why the place where the island appeared has risen high above the surrounding areas.
The positions in Capricorn are clear indications of a long-term stability of the island.

Freitag, 18. Dezember 2015

The Eruption of the Killer Lakes Nyos and Mounon & the role of Virgo at volcanic sites

The Eruption of the killer lakes Nyos and Mounon & the role of Virgo at volcanic sites

National Geographic documentary video about the process of investighation of the limnic eruptions al Lakes Monoun and Nyos

Lake Nyos in Cameroun is an inactive volcano crater lake that was formed by an eruption about 5 centuries ago. Together with Lake Monoun which is located only 95km southeast and Lake Kivu located between Democratic Republic Congo and Rwanda Lake Nyos is the only lake in the world that contains and releases large amounts of CO2. The limnic eruptions in these lakes are caused by highly concentrated carbon dioxide that are accumulated at the deep bottoms of these lakes through volcanic gases released from the volcanic pipes below.
Lake Nyos pipe lymnic degassing in operation. The 200-meter-long pipe is suspended from the raft and allows gas-rich water from the lake bottom to vent to the surface, where the CO2 dissipates into the atmosphere at a controlled rate. The shed on the control raft is about 6 feet tall and the fountain is about 120 feet tall
image source link
On 21 August 1986 at 21:30 a Mazuku (swahili: evil wind) or so called limnic eruption released over 80 million cubic meters of highly concentrated carbon dioxide (CO2) killing around all living beings including 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock by asphyxiation in an area as about 10 to 15 km near the lake. In 2001 a 200 m long pipe was installed in the lake that permanently releases CO2 permanently sending out a fountain 120 ft up in the air.

The 1984 limnic eruptions at Lake Mounon and the 1986 event at Lake Nyos occured within only 2 years time, There is no evidence about the periodicity of such eruptions. Although rumour about such events have been passed on by the local people the last eruptions must have taken place a longer while ago. 

Astrogeographic position of Lake Nyos for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the lake is embedded in the area: one coordinate is located in between earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, growing roots and air sign Gemini sign of pathways, bridges and a potential indicator for the release of gas. Virgo is also present at the site of Lake Monoun!!!!
The 2nd coordinate lies in earth sign Virgo sign of skins. Virgo`s role may include the functions of the skin of transpiration and exhalation. And as the sign of the hymen it indicates a thin protection cover like a skin or crust above the volcanic crater and could so stand for the stopgap function of the lake as a site where the tension from the magma field below is released. 

Another astrological aspect of earth sign Virgo is its role as the corresponding sign of the intestinal organs which in regard to the astrogeographic position of Lakes Mounon and Nyos relates to their location above volcanic pipes through which gas from the magma chambers is excreted. Virgo appears as a sign of exhalation here.

Astrogeographic position of Lake Monoun for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the lake is embedded in the area: Lake Mounon is located in the combination of earth sign Virgo with solid, stable, conservative earth sign Capricorn.

Here are some thoughts about the role of Virgo at volcanic sites: 

Two other volcanic places where Virgo plays a major role are the 2 largest geyser fields in the world Upper Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park located in Virgo and between Scorpio & Sagittarius and Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka located in Virgo with Aries. This brings me back to the idea of Virgo´s function as the sign of the skin to protect and control respiration and transpiration in the human system which in some regards could be compared to the function of the volcanic crater as a stopgap for the release of tension from the magma chambers below. Virgo does not stand for the site where pressure on magma, water or gas reaches its maximum like in places corresponding to particularly hard and solid signs like Scorpio or Capricorn nor the sites of extreme heat like the 3 fire signs. But on the other hand it is not an indicator for openings as would be the three air signs or highly instable water sign Pisces.

The astrological charts reveal stunning parallels

Astrological Chart for the Limnic Eruption at Lake Monoun on 15 August 1984
calculated for 23:45 - time is approximate not exact source: National Geographic video
The position of the ascendant and house system in the astrological chart for the limnic eruption at Lake Mounon is approximate but not exact to the minute.The nearly exact opposition of Uranus in Sagittarius with Chiron in Gemini is to be considered as a highly plausible indication for the causes of the eruption for 2 reasons: first of all because the same constellation can be observed also in the astrological chart for the Lake Mounon incident. And secondly because both planets Chiron the ruler and indicator of Virgo as one of the 2 astrogeographical coordinates at both lakes (Lake Mounon & Lake Nyos) and Uranus the planet of eruptions (and farting) were in exact opposition with each other and in a square position to Virgo both putting stress on the astrogeographical positiuon of the lake. 
The opposition of Chiron with Uranus is intensly aspected by a third factor in exact aspect: The conjunction of Venus with Mercury in Virgo between 10 and 14° Virgo which fell right on the midpoint of the lake. Venus role as the ruler of Taurus the sign of the ground and gravitation would support the theory that the effects of a landslide could have triggered the eruption of the accumulated carbon dioxide. 

The fact that the Sun was moving through the last decade of Leo (15th and 21st of August) during the two limnic eruptions is an aspect which appears to be a relevant factor too. Of course this may simply have to do with seasonal aspects like the effects of temperature or amounts of spring water flowing into the lake at the particular seasonal period in the middle of August. Astrologically the Sun`s transit through Leo which represents the 12th sign from Virgo and as such an aspect of destabilization. And especially the last degrees of the 12th sign just like in the case of a 12th house aspect could be judged to represent a climax of destabilization of the situation at the lake.

Astrological Chart for the  Lake Nyos limnic eruption on 21 August 1996 around 21:30 calculated for Lake Nyos, Cameroun
time data source: german wikipedia article
The ascendant and house system in the astrological chart for the limnic eruption at Lake Nyos is approximate but not exact to the minute.

At the Lake Nyos incident the tension of the exact opposition between Chiron in Gemini and Uranus in Sagittarius was further intensified by Jupiter`s exact square position to both planets from 20° Pisces and even conjunct the Moon.

The resonance of submarines with Cancer the sign of sea-shells at Balaklava Submarine Base

Abandoned Military Architecture: Secret Soviet Submarine Base at Balaklava near Sewastopol, Crimea, Ukraine is now a naval museum but was a top secrete military base during the times of the Cold War. Constructed between 1957 and 1961 it was a first category anti-nuclear protection complex.

Entrance to Balaklava Submarine Base located in Cancer with Capricorn
photo: Russianname, GNU/FDL
The  site is a fascinating example for a building combination of water sign Cancer the sign of building homes, sheltered places and of natural caves as well as for living in the water with earth sign Capricorn the sign of mountains and fortresses. The confrontation of these two signs that form a natural opposition and contradiction is a fascinating constellation for a submarine base. 

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the subma´rine shipyard and base is embedded in the surrounding area:  the construction site is located in self-defensive water sign Cancer sign of sea.shells (as submarines?) caves, shorelines as the natural habitat of crabs, feeling at home, emotional independence, motherhood and the indicator for living in the water. 

The 2nd coordinate is located in highly defensive, solid, conservative, strict earth sign Capricorn sign of mountains, rocks, fortresses, rules & regulations, control, stability, professional skills, government institutions and isolation. 

Balaklawa Submarine Base was built into a mountain
photo: Alexxx 1979, ccbysa3.0
Another plausible indicator that might have been expected here is Scorpio - the sign of the underworld, containers, metal-working, welding, submarines as such, bunkers strong armour-plating is not present at this site. But to some extent Cancer which through its natural relationship with Scorpio  (both are water signs) seems to function as its direct relative here. 

KILO class diesel-powered russian attack submarine 
Apart from that Cancer also resonates with the analogies between submarines and mussels, corals, lobsters and other creatures that dwell in the oceans.

Anti-aircraft gun tower in St. Pauli, Hamburg with both coordinates in Cancer

The relationship of Cancer with bunkers is in fact not rare and may be even symptomatic of that sign`s fierceful alertness and readiness for self-defense. Compare the example of the heiligengeistfeld anti air craft bunker tower

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2015

Dry land or open sea, mummification or corrosion: the opposition between Virgo & Pisces

Dry land vs. open sea, preservation vs corrosion: the opposition between Virgo & Pisces - America’s National Defense Reserve Fleet in Suisun Bay

America’s National Defense Reserve Fleet also called ‘Ghost" or "Moth Ball Fleet’ has been stationed in Suisun Bay near San Francisco, since the 1950s. 

Aerial photo of the Suisun Bay.- located in Pisces with Virgo
The combination of Pisces the sign of the ocean with its opposite sign Virgo the main indicator for harbours perfectly describes the two aspects of the place where the American reserve fleet ist stationed. Virgo is an indicator for a cleverly calculated and relatively cheap storing of the ships in a comparatively safe site, whereas Pisces as major indicator for the relaxed atmosphere of museums and as the sign of the otherworld stands for the realms of a ghost fleet.

Virgo´s role as the sign of mummification in astrogeographical field study can be observed at the sites of the Great Pyramid at Giza (Virgo-Gemini) and the Valley of the Kings (Virgo-Aquarius).

Ship Graveyard at Suisun Bay located in Pisces with Virgo

Astrogeographic position of the central and largest part of the ship graveyard for morphogenetic field level 3 which shows how the site is embedded in the San Francisco area: one coordinate is located in self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of preservation, mummification, harbours, storing goods, caution, reserves, dry land, holding back, waiting and long-term strategical planning.
The 2nd coordinate lies in relaxed, spiritual water sign Pisces sign of hiding, corrosion, dissolution, letting go, sea, fish, ships, hiding, sleeping, dreaming, the otherworld, the unconscious, mystification, legends and the definite indicator for superstition. 

Silent Night - astrogeographical data for the song

Silent Night - astrogeographical data for the song

The song was first performed on Christmas Eve of the year 1818 in St. Nicholas Church in Oberndorf, Salzburg, Austria.

Astrological Chart for the first performance of "Silent Night" during Christmas Midnight Mass
calculated for 0:00, 25 Dec 1818 - the traditional beginning of Christmas Mass at Oberndorf, Salz Burg, Austria
The ascendant and house positions in the chart above should not be taken as exact for the song itself.

The authors of the song were a young priest named Joseph Mohr born 11 Dec 1792 who wrote the words and local school teacher Franz Xaver Gruber who composed the melody both born with the Sun in Sagittarius - one of the 2 astrogeographical coordinates of St. Nicholas Church.

Astrogeographic position of today`s Memorial Chapel for the former Saint Nicholas Church for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the church itself: the site is located right in between earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, agriculture, local energetic centers and practical air sign Gemini sign of learning, teaching, information, connecting people, signposts. The 2nd coordinate lies in the first decade of dynamic fire sign Sagittarius sign of style, design, composition, priesthood, village shamans and ornamentation.

Astrogeographic position of the town of Oberndorf for morphogenetic field level 1 which describes the supraregional, worldwide meaning of the church and  the worldwide resonance of the song from an astrogeographical point of view: the town is located at 20° of conservative, traditionalistic earth sign Capricorn sign of mountains, history, stability and of emotional water sign Cancer the sign of feeling at home, emotional reonance, individuality and authenticity, melody, melancholy and together with Pisces (sign of sound and pure music) the most important astrological resonator for music.

Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2015

Leo as the sign of sexuality and the right for emotional self.expression at Kandariya Mahadeva Temple in Khajuraho.

Leo as the sign of sexuality and the right for emotional self.expression at Kandariya Mahadeva Temple in Khajuraho.
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple located in Leo with Pisces
photo: Paul Mannix, ccbysa2.0
Kandariya Mahadeva "the Great God of the Cave" Shiva Temple is the largest & most ornate of the world famous temples at Khajuraho, India. It was built in first half of the 11th century AD.

Erotic sculptures on the external walls of the temple

Astrogeographic position: for morphogenetic field level 4 which explains the atmosphere of the temple itself but not the whole of the Khajuraho phenomenon Kandariya Mahadeva Temple is located in highly energetic, magnetic, centralistic, emotional, royal fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun, light, sexuality and the right for emotional self-expression. 
The 2nd coordinate lies in relaxed, spiritual water sign Pisces the sign of the dream world, imagination, temples, fairy tales, mystification and communion with the spiritual plane.

The "green sign" Gemini, Leo as the "Heart of School" and Aquarius as the indicator for alternative technologies

The "green sign" Gemini, Leo as the "Heart of School" and Aquarius as the indicator for alternative technologies

Green School is an off-the-grid school teaching kids how to build, garden, create located near Ubud, Bali founded in 2008.
Green School is unusual in many ways: sustainable curriculum to the degree of freedom enjoyed by the students, All buildings here are built from bamboo because it’s green, renewable.
Centerpiece of campus is the spiraling "Heart of School" one of world's largest freestanding bamboo buildings.
Astrogeographic position of the "Heart of School" building for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the building itself: located in creative, innovative, holistic, spiritual air sign Aquarius sign of reconnection with the sky, heaven and paradise, self-finding, insisting on alternative technologies and projects, innovation, revolution, building a new world.
The second coordinate lies in highly energetic, magnetic self-centered, centralistic fire sign Leo the sign of the sun, power plants, solar heat, the heart or emotional center of any system and the right for individualized, emotional self-expression, intensity and having fun.
Astrogeographic position for field level 3 which identifies how the the whole of the Green School is embedded in the area: located in the "green sign" Gemini sign of schools, learning, signposts, technology, practical innovations and technical solutions, information, bridges, roads, road crossings, respiration, assimilation and green colour.
The 2nd coordinate lies in highly alert, male fire sign Aries the sign of action, doing, ignition, new starts, speed, fighting, self-defense.

Deutsche Version:
Das grüne Zeichen Zwillinge, Löwe als das Herz und Zentrum und Wassermann als Indikator für alternative Technologien
Die seit 2008 bestehende "Green School" bei Ubud auf Bali ist ein alternatives Schul- und Kindergartenprojekt bei dem alle Gebäude aus erneuerbaren und vor Ort verfügbaren Materialen bestehen.
Das zentrale spiralförmige Hauptgebäude "Heart of School" das Herz der Schule wird als eines der grössten Bambushäuser der Welt angepriesen. Astrogeographische Position des "Heart of School" für die morphogenetische Felderebene 4 die die Atmosphäre des Gebäudes selbst beschreibt: hier liegt es im kreativen, innoivativen, ganzheitliche Luftzeichen Wassermann dem Zeichen des Himmels und Paradieses, der selbstfindung und dem Insistieren auf alternativen Projekten und Technologien und dem ideal eine neue Welt zu bauen.
Die zweite Koordinate liegt im energetisch besonders intensiven, selbstbezogenen Feuerzeichen Löwe dem Zeichen des Herzens als dem emotionalen Zentrum, der Sonne, Solarenergie und Kraftwerke sowie dem recht auf individuellen emotionalen Selbstausdruck.
Astrogeographische Position des gesamten Schulgeländes für die morphogenetische Felderebene 3 die anzeigt wie die Schule in die Landschaft eingebettet liegt: hier liegt das Gelände im Luftzeichen Zwillinge dem Zeichen des Lernens, der Schule, Information, Zeichensetzung, Schriftzeichen und Kommunikation, der Strassen, Wege und Brücken, der technischen Lösungen und Technologie ganz allgemein, sowie der Atmung, Assimilation und der grünen Farbe und zwar nicht nur in Bezug auf die Zeichensetzung als "grüne Schule" sondern auch auf das Thema der Sauerstoffproduktion..
Die zweite Koordinate liegt hier im dynamischen Feuerzeichen Widder dem Zeichen des Neubeginns, des Handelns, der Selbstverteidigung und des Kämpfens.

Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2015

Chelsea FC`s Moon, Venus, Jupiter Conjunction Reflected in Astrogeography

Chelsea FC`s Moon, Venus, Jupiter conjunction is conjunct the astrogeographical coordinates of Stamford Bridge Stadium and also the "The Rising Sun" pub where the club was founded.
Chelsea Football Club was founded on 10 March 1905 at a pub which at the time was called "The Rising Sun". This pub was located just across the road from Stamford Bridge Stadium in London. Today it is called "The Butcher`s Hook". As I don´t have exact time data for the foundation I present the astrological birth chart calculated for sunrise and with equal house system which can so be interpreted in relation to the Sun as the central and most important planet.
Astrological Sunrise Birth Chart for Chelsea FC
calculated for 10 March 1905 at sunrise with equal house system
The astrological sunrise chart for the day of the foundation of Chelsea FC is calculated for sunrise and with equally large houses. As can be seen the extremely auspiscious, powerful and intensely profitable conjunction of the Moon, Venus and Jupiter in Taurus fell in the sign of one of the 2 astrogeographical positions of the "Rising Sun" pub. The degrees in the first decade of Taurus play an important role not only in the history of Chelsea FC but also in the history of the Stamford Bridge Stadium. 

The "Rising Sun" pub - today called "The Butcher`s Hook" right located in the first degrees of Taurus
Astrogeographic position for radius/field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the pub itself: "The Butcher`s Hook" restaurant is located in highly profitable earth sign Taurus sign of cows, the earth, grounding, growing roots, possessing territory, local energetic centers, market places and food. Founding a company in Taurus can be expected to be highly auspiscious in terms of profitability, and
The 2nd coordinate lies in self-protective, careful earth sign Virgo the sign of reason, health and strategical planning. In regard to food Virgo stands for carefully prepared, 
health orientated food, herbs and spices.  
Located exactly on Moon, Venus, Jupiter conjunctionin the first degrees of Taurus:Stamford Bridge Stadium 
Stamford Bridge Stadium:
Stamford Bridge Stadium was first opened on 28 April 1877 for the London Athletic Club. The intensity of the resonance of the constellations in the first degrees of Taurus from the foundation chart for Chelsea FC can also be observed in the chart for the first opening of Stamford Bridge Stadium which shows 4 planets in the first degrees of Taurus: the Sun, Venus, Neptune and Chiron.

Astrogeographic position of Stamford Bridge Stadium for radius/field level 3 which includes the whole stadium: the pitch itself is located right on the first degree of earth sign Taurus and therefore right on the position of Jupiter in Chelsea´s foundation chart. This aspect is extremely auspiscious for the conjunction with Jupiter, Venus and the Moon and because of the fact that the constellation is located in the second house from the Sun which is to be evaluated as the house of profits, grounding, growing roots and long-term stabilization from the point of view of the Sun in the foundation chart.
The 2nd coordinate lies is in self-protective, careful earth sign Virgo sign of reason. strategical planning and optimal use of ressources.
Astrological Sunrise Birth Chart for Stamford Bridge Stadium
calculated for 28 April 1877 at sunrise with equal house system

A toll castle in Cancer in the middle of a river bed

Cancer as the sign of river beds plus Gemini as indicator for stealing: a toll castle in the middle of a river

Pfalzgrafenstein Castle located in Cancer the sign of river beds and pink wall colour
Pfalzgrafenstein Castle is a Toll Castle on Falkenau Island located right in the middle of Rhine River in Germany. The tower was built 1327 and later a castle constructed around it..
Astrogeographic position: for both field levels 3 (surrounding area) + 4 (exact position) the river bed castle is located in water sign Cancer the sign of river beds, crabs, shells, beaches, pink colour, coastlines and islands as the natural habitat for crabs.
The 2nd coordinate for field level 3 lies in self-protective earth sign Virgo sign of sitting and waiting, reason, optimal use of ressources, strategical planning and an important indicator for harbours and for creating safe places near the water.
The 2nd coordinate for for field level 4 falls in practical air sign Gemini sign of intelligence, information, spying, learning pathways, roads, bridges, cleverness and stealing indicating the multifunctional use of the toll fortress.

Montag, 14. Dezember 2015

What could be more symptomatic for Libra than the west facade of Milan Cathedral?

What could be more symptomatic for Libra than the west facade of Milan Cathedral?
Libra´s strife for symmetry.
The west facade of  Milan cathedral
photo: Jose Hidalgo, ccbysa2.0
Astrogeographic position: the west facade has one of the two coordinates located in air sign Libra for both morphogenetic field levels 3 (surroundin area) & 4 (exact position). Libra appears as the sign of symmetry, mnirrorring, balance, decoration, beauty, the attempt to harmonize the shape of the building, doves, angels, stage management and the ideal of higher urban and courtly culture in general.
For field level 4 the west facade is located in the last degrees of highly energetic, magnetic royal fire sign Leo the sign of the sun and light while the rest of the cathedral lies in self protective earth sign Virgo.
For field level 3 which describes how the catfedral is embedded the central town area  the second coordinate lies in earth sign Taurus the most astrological indicator for town centers and market places which can often be found at the area where the original, old town centers lie.

FC Liverpool`s astrogeographical constellations at Enfield Road & Neptune Hotel

"You`ll never walk alone" - Liverpool FC was founded in Cancer sign of feeling at home, emotional roots & authenticity:
Liverpool FC was founded on 30 March 1892 in the former Neptune Hotel at Clayton Square. Although officially the date of the registration of the new club on 3 June 1892 is taken as the official birth date the foundation was done 2 monthes before that.
Astrogeographic position of Neptune Hotel for field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the hotel itself: one coordinate is located in highly alert, defensive, hierarchical water sign Scorpio the sign of perception, imaging, strongholds , construction work, welding, alchemy and forging different elements to a stable construct.
The 2nd coordinate of the site of the former Neptune Hotel lies in emotional water sign Cancer sign of feeliing at home, melody, melancholy, motherhood, celtic roots of english culture, emotional authenticity, motherhood, springs, wells, pools, islands, coast lines and inner life.
The combination of 2 water signs indicates that emotionality is the major topic of the club.
Anfield Road Stadium is located in Aries with Capricorn
photo: Ivan PC, ccbysa2.0
Astrogeographic position of Liverpool FC`s Anfield Road Stadium for field level 3 which describes how the stadium is embedded in the town of Liverpool: located in highly alert, dynamic, male fire sign Aries sign of red colour, speed, ignition, fighting, new starts, warfare.
The 2nd coordinate lies in solid, traditionalistic, strict earth sign Capricorn sign of control, public space, government insitutions, rocks, mountains and fortresses.
Astrological foundation chart for Liverpool FC calculated for the meeting at Neptune Hotel on 28 March 1892 for sunrise and with equally large house system:
Astrological Foundation or Birth Chart for Liverpool FC
 28 March 1892 for sunrise with equal house system
The extremely alert and problematic square of the Sun in Aries the sign of action, speed and fight with Mars in Capricorn the sign of laws, restrictions and control in the foundation chart for 30 March 1892 is intensely reflected by the astrogeographic positions of Anfield Road Stadium in exactly these two signs.

Where fire meets with water: Old Faithful Geyser

Where fire meets with water: Old Faithful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park is located exactly between Cancer and Leo. The geyser lies only 250 m east from Old Faithful Inn.
Old Faithful Geyser is located in the combination of water sign Cancer the sign of springs and fire sign Leo the indicator for the heat 
Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park is a 300 year old geyser with an average eruption height of 130 ft, and discharges up to 8,400 gallons of water  each time it erupts. Average eruption intervalls are currently 91 min. and the water temperature is about 244 °F (118 °C).
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the topic and atmosphere of the geser itself: the site of Old Faitful Geyser is located right in between water sign Cancer the sign of springs, wells, rivers, the Moon, fertility, pregnancy and highly energetic, magnetic, centralistic fire sign Leo the sign of the Sun, heat, power stations, and an important indicator for lava chambers. Water sign Cancer as the natural sign of springs is an expected factor for a geyser - as well as Leo because of its quality as a fire sign, needed to heat up the groundwater.
The 2nd coordinate lies in earth sign Taurus sign of the earth, grounding, market places and local energetic centers.

A 500 tons fireplace in Taurus the kitchen sign

A 500 tons fireplace in highly profitable, massive, fixed earth sign Taurus: Old Faithful Inn in Yellowstone National Park.

The mighty fire place is the center of Old Faithful Inn is located

One of the oldest and largest rustic log hotels in the Old Faithful Inn which lies within view of Old Faitful Geyser in Yellowstone National Park. It was built in built 1904 with a 500 tons fireplace.
Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 4 which describes the atmosphere of the site building itself: the central restaurant building is located in highly profitable earth sign Taurus sign of food, kitchens, agriculture, farming, cows, market places, local energetic centers and possessing territory. In earlier times the fire place used to represent the source of food and therefore the center of any house. Also typical for fixed earth sign Taurus is the massiveness of that fireplace.
The 2nd coordinate of Old Faithful Inn lies in practical air sign Gemini the sign of roads, intelligence, communication, learning, road crossings, signposts, practical solutions, technology, US-culture and bringing opposites together.  
Light-weight wooden construction
Also a typical element of Gemini as an air sign is the light-frame wooden construction of "Old Faitful Inn" which has been called the largest block house in the world. Such light-weight constructions can often be observed as a typical element of US culture. The 3 air signs are natural indicators for light - weight construction. Aquarius for example is the main astrological indicator for tents.

Astrology & Architecture: The Hudson Yards skyscrapers and the focus on stability

Astrology & Architecture: Hudson Yards and the focus on stability for New York skyscrapers
The Hudson Yards Rededevolopment Project area in double Capricorn
photo: from wikimedia commons, fair use
The Hudson Yards Redevelopment project in New York City is a gigantic project for the construction of a large group of skyscrapers in the next 20 years and more.
Astrogeographic position for radius/field level 3 which describes how the project area is embedded in the City of New York: the whole area of the Hudson Yards Redevelopment Project has both coordinates in solid, conservative, traditionalistic, hierarchical, strict earth sign Capricorn sign of control, professional skills, administration, government institutions, public space, authority, laws, regulations, avoiding mistakes, stability and the definite indicator for an intense fortress character of the whole area. as the sign of professional skill, control, rocks, mountains and high altitude. Capricorn used to be chosen for the site of tallest skyscrapers in the earliest period of such buildings until the end of the 1960ies with the Empire State Building as the most prominent example.
Empire State Building located in Capricorn with Aquarius
photo: Jiuguang Wang, ccbysa2.0
According to the official version the twin towers of the former World Trade Center collapsed due to the instability of the construction type after the terrorist attacks of 9 September 2001.

The Twin Towers of the WTC located in  between Taurus and Gemini and in Sagittarius
photo: Jeffmock, GNU/FDL
The Twin Tower of the former World Trade Center in New York were located right in between highly profitable,solid, earth sign Taurus sign of the earth grounding, growing roots (north tower) and practical air sign Gemini sign of signposts,information, communication, learning, technology, connecting people. The second coordinate fell in dynamic fire sign Sagittarius sign of style, design, fashion, ornamentation, goals, aiming and shooting. The corruption that was responsible for the instability of the Twin Tower can be related to boith  aspects: Sagittarius as a major indicator for fastest profits and Gemini as the sign ruled by Mercury the heavenly protector of the thiefs and swindler professions.
Considering the fact that this constellation turned out not to be secure enough  It can be understood that the choice of a site with both coordinates in Capricorn could turn out to be much safer.