Freitag, 18. Dezember 2015

The resonance of submarines with Cancer the sign of sea-shells at Balaklava Submarine Base

Abandoned Military Architecture: Secret Soviet Submarine Base at Balaklava near Sewastopol, Crimea, Ukraine is now a naval museum but was a top secrete military base during the times of the Cold War. Constructed between 1957 and 1961 it was a first category anti-nuclear protection complex.

Entrance to Balaklava Submarine Base located in Cancer with Capricorn
photo: Russianname, GNU/FDL
The  site is a fascinating example for a building combination of water sign Cancer the sign of building homes, sheltered places and of natural caves as well as for living in the water with earth sign Capricorn the sign of mountains and fortresses. The confrontation of these two signs that form a natural opposition and contradiction is a fascinating constellation for a submarine base. 

Astrogeographic position for morphogenetic field level 3 which describes how the subma´rine shipyard and base is embedded in the surrounding area:  the construction site is located in self-defensive water sign Cancer sign of sea.shells (as submarines?) caves, shorelines as the natural habitat of crabs, feeling at home, emotional independence, motherhood and the indicator for living in the water. 

The 2nd coordinate is located in highly defensive, solid, conservative, strict earth sign Capricorn sign of mountains, rocks, fortresses, rules & regulations, control, stability, professional skills, government institutions and isolation. 

Balaklawa Submarine Base was built into a mountain
photo: Alexxx 1979, ccbysa3.0
Another plausible indicator that might have been expected here is Scorpio - the sign of the underworld, containers, metal-working, welding, submarines as such, bunkers strong armour-plating is not present at this site. But to some extent Cancer which through its natural relationship with Scorpio  (both are water signs) seems to function as its direct relative here. 

KILO class diesel-powered russian attack submarine 
Apart from that Cancer also resonates with the analogies between submarines and mussels, corals, lobsters and other creatures that dwell in the oceans.

Anti-aircraft gun tower in St. Pauli, Hamburg with both coordinates in Cancer

The relationship of Cancer with bunkers is in fact not rare and may be even symptomatic of that sign`s fierceful alertness and readiness for self-defense. Compare the example of the heiligengeistfeld anti air craft bunker tower

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